plan - golf course


Since I decided to do a Taylormade commercial, My main prop is a Taylormade putter. Other props will include a golf ball, and a flag stick.


In my commercial I will have one person as the subject. The actor will wear golf attire. They will wear a nice collard shirt. Another thing the subject will wear includes a belt to keep your pants up and complement the outfit. They will also wear shorts such as khaki shorts. The last piece of clothing the subject will wear is a hat to shade the sun and add to the appearance. They will also wear golf shoes with socks. They will also have a tucked in shirt.


On 9/26/22 I researched conventions and codes of Taylormade commercials

On 9/27/22 I established the props, costumes, schedule, location list, and backup plan.

On 10/3/22 I will create the story board for the 30 second commercial.

On  10/5/22 I will record and film the required shots for my commercial.

On 10/11/22 I will edit and add the final touches to the commercial.

Location List

My main location is the golf course. At the golf course, I will film the subject hitting a golf ball on a putting green towards a hole. The ball will then go in the hole. This will emphasize the performance of the golf club made by Taylormade and how good it is. It will also show that Taylormade is a good and serious companies that helps golfers perform and enhance their skills better.

Backup Plan

If the weather is not good I will have to reschedule my filming day because my filming location has to be outside. If i cannot access my filming location on a particular day I will have to reschedule and do it another day as well. 


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