Kevin's group

     For the 30 second commercial project I will be working alone. I want to work alone because I feel it will be more efficient. I do not have to meet up with other classmates and have to work along with their schedules. Working alone also means I can be as creative as I want to be and I do not have to compromise on an idea with another person. I can get work done efficiently on my own time and expense. During this project I will be able to express my own interests  and use my own personal style. I thought about working in a group with my friends but I shortly reconsidered. I reconsidered because often when working in groups people don't like to do their part. You have to depend on others to get their part done and when they don't do their part it causes conflict and your project may have gaps in it. Working alone may put more work upon myself but I know that I can do the entire thing the right way and I wont have to depend on others. Furthermore I like working alone because I personally get in the zone when I am working on things and I do not like being disturbed. I like to keep to myself and focus on what is in my mind. When working with others you have to listen to their input on the said challenge and work with them to complete it. In this project I want to succeed and have zero distractions to hold me back. My filming process will be able to be done at any time and wherever I choose it to be. I can also edit it with my own colors and themes, etc. I have some ideas already about what i want to do my project on. The first being an old spice commercial. These commercials are funny and have very soothing music in the background. Another option for me would be like a sports drink commercial along with a commercial such as sun bum. One final thought that I have thought about doing is a boat commercial advertising a boat company's product. This project will be a great way to learn the first steps in doing great film work and making actual film productions.


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