Production blog -Editing problems

 On 10/12/2022 I started editing my 30 second commercial. As I began to edit I ran into a few problems. My first problem was that the filmer got their finger in one of the important clips I needed. With the editing software I am using I could not crop the clip to get the finger out of the scene. I found a solution to this by changing this scene and all the scenes before it to black and white. My thought was that I could make all the scenes that occur before the ball rolls into the cup black and white. When the ball then did roll into the cup it could change back to normal color. I would also correlate this with a beat drop in a song. One other problem I found is that my final clip was filmed upside down. This clip or scene is the one with the golf ball sitting in the cup facing up with the logo showing. The logo showing makes it important that it is right side up. After filming I reverted the problem in the photos app on my phone. Although when I added this scene to the editing software it went back to its original state where it was upside down. I do not know how to solve this problem. My only solution in my opinion is to use a new editing software. The only way I would not have to is to find a way to fix this issue. I have put all my clips together this is just my last part to do. I would hate to have to restart the whole editing process. If that is what I will have to do though to complete my video I will have to accept that. My video did turn out nice otherwise and it is the perfect length of 29.6 seconds. 


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