Turkey Day

     In the continuing of my project there have begun to be new setbacks. The first setback being that thanksgiving break is upon us and I will be going out of town. I am leaving town for almost 9 days and I will be busy so I will most likely not have time to work on filming or other aspects of the project. With this being said it is going to be hard to be able to progress at this time. Also when I come back from break I will most likely have a lot of work from other classes to work on. I will wanna get those out of the way and complete them before I begin with this again. Another thing that will set me back is the actors that will be featured in my music video. The actors have their own personal things to do. Some have to work and others have to spend time with their loved ones and families because of the holidays. I do in fact expect to be back on track the week after break. I will be able to get everything straight and organized for my music video. One other setback that I have come to realize is that mid-terms are coming up. I do not know how much this may affect me but I will for sure do my best to work around them. I wanna start my filming between the week of the 3rd and the 10th but this depends on the actors and all of our schedules permitting. This will give me at least a week to edit and add any touches I want to my video. I am very happy that it is finally the holiday season. I am also very thankful that it is Thanksgiving and I get to see all of my relatives. I can use this break to also brain storm more ideas about how I can better my filming process. I will be back after break to get back into the swing of things and start the middle portions and most important parts of this project. 


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