Houston We Have a Problem....
I am back again. Today is Monday and in yesterdays blog I talked about my filming on Saturday and Friday and the in's and outs about how it went. But just like everything there can be issues and complications to things. There were some setbacks that I had to overcome in the middle of my filming. The first set back came at the very begging of my filming. It had to do with the audio of the video. Because it is a music video there is more than always singing done within the video. This can be hard though because with every shot and take you have to match up the audio with the singing in the visuals. I had to use the video I was using as an example to get the shots to match up with the music and the singing. Another problem that I ran into was how many takes it took to get this right. I would have to go back and refilm it over and over. This got very tedious and time consuming after awhile. One other issue that I had was lighting. It was either too dark or too bright and putting the flash on made it seem like the main actor was a ghost. I found my way around this thought and made it work by allowing natural light to flow into the room. I did not use a tripod for the bed scene but used a cabinet to set my phone on top of and get a consistent shot for every take. I actually did not use a tripod for any of the scenes. My filmer held the camera steady for takes like the stairs and the closet. The use of depth allowed for good shots. One final complication that I would say I had is none. I can't think of anything else. This process went very smooth. Of course there are small things that I could tweak but overall this was very good and I have no complaints.
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