So It Begins...

  Hello again!!! Today is Monday and I am back for the first production blog of this project and I am waiting and waiting to film. I am extremely eager and I can't wait to one up my last production which was the music video. I did that production alone, so I am expecting this one to blow it out of the water. I have been brain storming over and over in my head to jot down ideas about how me and my group can go about filming this music video. We plan to film this weekend as it is pretty much the first free time we have had to be able to film with the other actors if necessary and our designated filmer. Life has been slammed for all of us I know that. With school it has been extremely stressful. The SAT just occurred so that set back many plans because focusing on that was of the top importance. I plan to film first on Friday at my Kyle's house and get all the shots I need from his garage and driveway. His garage goes great with the theme and music of our production. He also has a car which we can use and a great setting at his house which helps me establish the shots that adequately fit our film. We have planned to bring all the props and costumes and I am quite sure it will go smoothly. After they filming on Friday I plan on concluding my filming on Saturday with my group. This will allow us to use Saturday's filming to get any shots that we may have not got yet. I will also be able to improve on any shots that I did not like from Friday. Saturday I will also have all of the props and costumes necessary for the video shoot. I hope that I can get everything done that I need to get done with my group and that we can all work together nicely. I want to take my time and be more professional with this than I was with the first two videos. I have more and more understanding of what good shots look like and how to apply the vocabulary into visuals. One other thing that I plan to keep a main focus on while filming is making sure that the title designs are spot on with the audio to make the audience feel the mood and emotion more and more. I am excited to start filming later this week. I also am very eager to finish this video and see how much I just have improved from the pervious ones. I will pick this back up in the next blog where we will discuss further ideas and plans. 


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