Spring Break Is Near..

    We are back again and today is Monday. Since we last spoke it has been very hectic. We had some bad occurances at school that caused lockdowns and froze our work as a result. We got stuck in our 5th period all day and we could not meet in our mediastudies class. We did not get to talk and we have not met together in awhile. This has posed as an issue because it has delayed us further than we wanted. It leaves me and my group with no other choice than to film over spring break which is approaching in the coming days. It allows for a plenty amount of free and open time. Our group will be able to meet. Another issue that we are running into is that some of my group mates play sports. After school they are busy to well after 6pm and it begins to get dark then. It becomes dark outside and leaves no good lighting to film. I know that Jackson has baseball practice almost everyday and he is there very late. He has no time to get situated and film with us. This disappoints me because I really want to do good on this project. I find it very very fun. We also have put so much research into this project. I just feel that we should make the best product we can to make all of our hard work pay off. I enjoy doing things like this and it really interests me. I love watching films at night and getting ideas about how we can make our own film better.I have put a lot of serious thought into this project and I am proud of that. 


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