Filming = Success

Today is sunday!! I am back from my trip and tomorrow is my birthday. I will be turning 16 and I am very excited. While I was gone my group mates filmed but they told me they did not get all the shots they wanted. We have been talking back and forth today and we have decided that we will need to film again and get more takes and shots. I think that it could be good and bad. Good because it will help our film be better and more detailed. But it can be bad because we are slowly running out of time. It is very hard to get  4 busy teenagers to all get together with no obstructions. We are all always so busy and have so many things going on. The filming process for this project got delayed and delayed. I was really also hoping to be apart of he filming process o add my creative input but that did not happen. I truly hope that it came out better than I imagine. I have not seen any of the footage yet but I will defenitely look at it in the coming days. We are gonna film again later this week and hope that all goes well. I don't really know what else to add to this blog, so I am just gonna talk about my weekend.I went to a golf tournament a few hours away and had a blast. It was very hot though and tiring. I love golf and it truly is one of my favorite sports. It relaxes me and relieves so much stress that school may build up for me. School stresses me with keeping up with 8 classes and it is a great healthy escape. That's all I got for now, see you soon!!


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