
 Hello, today is the 6th of April and we got out of school early today. Tomorrow we are meeting to film some more shots to get for our movie. The filming process for this project got delayed and delayed. We are meeting at zane at 2:30 to film. I dont know whos car we are using in the film so we will see. I am anxious to make this perfect and very cool. I have been hoping to be a part of the filming process to add my creative input but that did not happen yet. I truly hope that it came out better than I imagine. I have not seen any of the previous footage yet but I will defenitely look at it in the coming days. We are gonna film again later if we need just so everything is just right and I hope that all goes well. I don't really know what else to add to this blog, I hope everything goes according to plan for so that we can meet our due date without any problems. I had a wonderful birthday as well, and I'm thrilled to have another year. I will be back soon with more updates, and I hope we are just one step closer to making our movie and finishing this production. For now, farewell!


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