
 Good morning, today is the 28th of February, and I am back for another blog. Today is Wednesday and I am planning to complete my filming on Thursday which is tomorrow. It has been going good so far but I do not want to fall behind. I have to get it done so I have enough time to edit and make everything perfect for my project. I am planning to do it on Friday because my girlfriend is available to help me with filming and I need her to be able to do it. She has been a huge help in the project as she is the actor and I am just showcasing my editing and filming skills. I am not a good actor by any means and I feel like I would mess it up if i was the main actor. I may still be featured in the film but I did not want to be the center face of the movie. Filming this project has been hard and has come with challenges of its own. This film is a lot longer than the last one that I did with a group and it just requires a lot of takes and a lot of film to build upon. I have to make everything perfect and pan so I will be able to add the lettering in while I am editing. It is important to keep it in mind while fiming and not get carried away to just shoot what looks cool. I have an actual task ahead of me and I need to complete it the right way and the first time so I did not waste too much time. Filming the rest shouldn't be too difficult but we will see what challenges arise. I am excited to finish filming and get to editing as soon as possible. I will see you next in one day which is a leap year day and Thursday!! In the next blog I should be done or close to done with filming all together. See you soon!


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