
 Hi, friends! Today is Wednesday, February 21st and I am back with another production blog. Today is a little weird because I haven't filmed since Monday and I have been swamped with work at school. I have been home most of the week because I have been sick again and a lot of people around school have been getting sick recently and I do not know why. So with that said I have not been able to meet with my girlfriend (actress). I have everything ready, done, and planned out how I want it to be to portray the best message, I just need time to film and get all of the shots I need for each scene. Another thing that I need to work on is my website and my post card. I think this afternoon I am going to start on the post card but I still need a picture from my filming day to be able to put on the post card as the backdrop. The overall task should not be too frustrating, it should just be a little time consuming and take good effort to make it look professional and up to par. Today I am going to the golf course to practice as I play golf a lot and truly enjoy it. So after I go to golf I will work on this task and just chip away day by day at making a great all around project.  I know that the filming process won’t be very hard but just long and may take a lot of attempts so I assume I am going to need a lot of time and multiple days for that. I do know I will be filming during the night. I think night time would look the coolest for what I am going for and add effect to it entirely. However, dusk might be the perfect time to film for a horror movie as the sky will be transitioning from day to night. I also still do not know what exact days or times I will be filming. I will keep you updated and in the loop on my progress within my project.   


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