work, work, working
I am back and today is Thursday, February 22nd and I have been working on my project more and more. I still need to get more takes and shots for my film. I think that it could be good and bad to film as much as possible. It just takes a lot of time and coordination. It is good because it will help my film be better and more detailed with as many and the best takes that I can have. But it can be bad because I am slowly running out of time. It is very hard to fit my schedule in with no obstructions because I am unable to film in school so I have to make time that aligns with my actor as well. I am always so busy and have so many things going on. The filming process for this project gets delayed and delayed. I plan on filming later next week like Thursday and I am continuing to work on my post card which should be done or close to done by my next blog. I don't really know what else to add to this blog, so I am just gonna talk about my day yesterday. I went to the golf course and practiced for hours. It was very hot though and tiring but it is worth the effort because I am truly passionate. I love golf and it truly is one of my favorite sports. I have been grinding to be able to play college golf after I graduate and I love it. It relaxes me and relieves so much stress that school may build up for me. School stresses me with keeping up with 8 classes and it is a great healthy escape. That's all I got for now, see you soon!!
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